Once again this blog needs a revamp. I say it so often, and always with the best of intentions but somehow I lose focus and motivation. Finding the time to blog is not the hardest thing in the world if I'm being honest, at times of course it's a bit more difficult, uni gets hectic with placements and assignments sometimes. Having said that majority of the time I have quite a bit of free time to do what I want, but that's never when I want to blog. I get these spurts of motivation when I think that I want to write a post, but I can never think of a topic and so I give up. Then again when I do have a reason I find that I just don't have the time to sit here and do it, and before I know it I'm not interested anymore. So with that being said I want to rejig the whole blog and try my absolute hardest to keep on top of it.
The next post on here will be an update on my life, something that I've never really shared on here, but I figure it's a topic I can always write something about. I've tried youtube but I definitely do not have the confidence to do that. In the past 8 years I've filmed numerous videos, everything from a 'What's in my Bag' to various question tags about so many topics. Hence why I've written so many tags up on here instead, I want to share them and answer the questions but filming myself doing it isn't right for me. Not right now at least. Maybe one say I'll go ahead and press the upload button but definitely not now.
I'm going to try really hard to write well on here and take some good pictures to go along with my posts, because I've been so half hearted with this for a long time and now I'm ready to go for it and do it well. There's so much in my head that I feel the need to share with people but there's one problem. Who do I share it with? If I say it out loud to people I know then it won't be mine anymore, they're know what I'm thinking and that's a scary thought for me. For a lot of people I imagine. So I suppose by putting it out there for strangers it's less scary. I've always been that way to be honest. I never share my biggest secrets with my closest friends like most people do, I share them with friends or random people I only see in certain places. Tell my best friend...or tell the people I only see in 3 subjects...always the latter!
So I'll stop rambling now, if you made it this far give yourself a gold star! Basically I want to blog. I want to share. And I will now. Bookmark this page and check back soon, there'll be new things I promise. This isn't a promise to anyone out there, I've learned recently that doing that is asking for trouble and I now refuse to make them unless there is absolutely no chance at all of it failing. This is a promise to myself. I think that making them is okay, after all if I do break it what would I do to myself? This is my year. I'm going to be a better person I promise.
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